The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes... And the glory of the Lord shall fill the whole earth! (John 3:8; Psalm 72:19)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


There is a Shift that the Lord is taking His Church into. It is the Shift of the Church Age. In this shift there is a place that demands a new skin for the new wine. There is a place where His Bride is to be. Its an inner secret place where quietness and confidence is strength.

"Behold there is a place beside Me and you shall stand upon the Rock." (Exodus 33:21)

God is calling the remnant to arise. But the place for her to be is in the inner secret place. There is a greater glory coming and to be a carrier of this greater glory, greater sanctification must first take place. This is a realm where only holiness and purity will stand.

"Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you." (Joshua 3:5)

Separate and consecrate yourself--it is no longer ok for us to do things the same old ways and expect new results. It no longer pleases the Lord with our old formats of practices and traditions. GOD IS OVER IT. But to jump into the new train of His new wine and overflow, we gotta ditch the old formats and structures. New skin is demanded for the new wine, the new anointing.

In this new wine is the new level and depth of the revelation of the Lord. This higher and deeper level of revelation and communion can only be found in the inner secret place. And we will have the stability and strength to walk in this new wine when we stand upon the Rock, where we will not be shaken or moved by the opposing forces or pressures.

We gotta cultivate our own relationship with Jesus. Do not be like the 5 foolish virgins who had no oil (anointing) in their own lives and tried to get some from the 5 wise virgins. In this end time, you gotta buy your own oil--you gotta get it from the Lord yourself You can't get around tapping on the anointing of others, it won't work anymore. The virtue and fragrance of the Presence of the Lord will flow from the living water that is within you.

In the Cleft of the Rock
is the place of Visitation
that brings forth His Wonder Works

In Christ,
Beulah "FLOW"