The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes... And the glory of the Lord shall fill the whole earth! (John 3:8; Psalm 72:19)

Thursday, March 20, 2008


The Lord had given me 2 continuous dreams last week. It is a prophetic message to the entire body of Christ and there is a great sense of urgency in the Spirit about it.

17th March 2008

In the dream I was thrust into very deep space. And in there was revealed to me many top secret technology and designs that are hidden from the knowledge of the nation. I saw many, many space battleships and space shuttles in the deep space. They are cutting edge technology, already built and readily functioning, waiting to be launched. While society have been going on clueless with the cycles of their lives, transporting daily in buses and taxis, such technology have already been designed and constructed. I was "wowed" and woke up.

The Interpretation:
There is very deep revelation of the Lord available to His church. The channel is open! The Lord is revealing the deep hidden secret plots of the enemy that is waiting to be unleashed upon the earth, as well as His acute battle strategies for the church to engage.
But the church must turn her eyes away from the surface things and concerns of the world. The main stream body is too much concerned about their earthly lives and affairs of this temporal realm that they are clueless about what is secretly happening and waiting in the spiritual realm.

This is a wakeup call for the Body of Christ.


18th March 2008

In the dream the world was in chaos and mayhem. The SUN has turned destructive--its rays and radiation would completely destroy and consume everything along its path. I saw that there was a huge planet nearby us and it was standing in the way of the Sun before the earth. The planet looked a lot like Jupiter. I saw as the Sun shone upon the planet, it was completely consumed in erupting fire and the entire planet was about to explode.

All the people were in chaos trying to hide indoors and whatever shelter they could find as the moment of doom approached us very rapidly.

Then the Sun rose upon the earth and its first rays splashed across the face of the earth. But there was no destruction. No radiation was detected. It was because God has held His hands over the earth to protect it from the destruction of the Sun. Seeing that it was safe, people started coming out of their hidings and into the streets in immense relief. They thought doom had passed them by and it is now over. I could hear the sounds of celebration and singing.

However as the morning passed quickly and noon approached, radiation was detected and it was rising rapidly. The rays that had utterly destroyed the huge Jupiter-like planet would do the same to earth. By then the mass of people were already out there in the streets! Nobody was prepared. It was at this point that I saw that the Christians who are rooted in the Lord were suddenly cloaked upon themselves with what looked like silver metallic raincoat. This covering protects the wearer from the rays and radiation of death.

Panic filled the face of the earth. And then I woke up.

The Interpretation:
The universe speaks of the time and order of creation. The sun and the planet speaks of the fullness of time. The destructive sun represents the fullness of sin and judgment. It also represents the counterfeit of the Sun of glory and Righteousness; the false light. I found out yesterday that Jupiter is the astronomical symbol for Zeus/Satan.

At the Sun's first rising (fullness of sin and judgment) upon the earth, God's hand protected the earth. It is the Window of Grace that God has opened for the earth--but it is only for a short season before it closes. When the Window is shut, those who still do not repent will be consumed by the fullness of their sins and judgment, even the Christians who do not walk before the Lord. But only the true righteous of the Lord will be protected. Those whose lives walked in the purity, holiness and righteousness of the Lord, they will stand in the time of destruction.

The Word of the Lord came for these prophetic dreams:

"Tell My people to be Ready! In season and out of season. For they will not know when the thief comes and strikes at night. My window of grace is held open because of My great love for the people. But they must answer the call and embrace the time at hand. For My grace window is but for a short season before it shuts. Many will be deceived and think that everything is all right because they hear "peace! peace!" echoing throughout the earth--"good times to live good lives". But do not be deceived and be blinded by the disguise of evil that is creeping from the hidden deep darkness. For in its fullness it shall arise and devour the earth. But only those who stand in My purity, My righteousness and My holiness will not be consumed for they shall bear the mark of My glory and My protection. Do not be taken by the peace in your surroundings, My people. Great deception is at hand. Only those who possess My glory, My righteousness, My purity and My holiness shall be saved and will not be ensnared."

It is time for the Church to wake up.

In Christ,
Beulah "FLOW"

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


When we returned from our vacation last December, I realized that the digital camera I had was too basic for any good shots. It was like any cell phone camera, for basic still shots and a very limited zoom. I told the Lord that it would be really nice if I have a pro digital camera that can do lots of manipulations, with a powerful zoom and all. Cos I like taking pictures with effects like depth of field, etc... After telling the Lord, I didn't think much about it and went on my life.

But I will have you know that God does not take lightly the things we have talked to Him. We can forget about what we have asked the Lord for but He does not forget.

A couple of months later, God had a brother bless me with a pro Olympus digital camera complete with an awesome 7.1 megapixel and 18x Optical zoom!!! What topped it all was this: The camera was very selectively picked by the brother, who is a minister and also a senior photographer who had an unrivalled reputation as a top photographer in the States for something like 14, 17 years! God knows I know nuts about pro cameras. So He's got a professional guy to choose the best. The Olympus camera is packed with power features. The brother had actually bought the camera last year. But the Lord had it kept for me since then, a year before I told the Lord about my desire. The brother told me that God had said to him, "Chris you silly thing, the camera is not for you - it is meant for Beulah!" I WAS FLOORED!!!!

And here is the camera. Wooohoooo!!!

Of all the significant things I have, none of them came by my own earning or effort. They were all a blessing direct from God. We may not have any money then but we have GOD. To cap an overview, here's a line of God's testimony of goodness:

1. 2003: My supernatural cancellation of debt. I was $12,000.00 in debt with $0.00 in my bank. God supernaturally cancelled my debt and I was debt-free.

2. 2004: Our wedding was 100% paid-for.

3. 2005: Our $260,000.00 home came debt-free and paid-for, complete with renovations and furnishings. We own the title deed now.

4. 2007: God answered my prayer and blessed me with my notebook. Its features are as according to my specifics. (To read testimony in my previous blog post, click [HERE])

5. 2008-January: God gave us our Kingdom car - an Absolute Odyssey by Honda. The car is a prophetic message that God is taking us on His divine odyssey of the Kingdom.
(To read testimony in my previous blog post, click [HERE])

6. 2008-March: God answered my heart's desire and blessed me with the pro Olympus digital camera. He had it kept for me a whole year before I even talked to Him about it.

I am not hot about owning things. But I am hot about God making everything come through for me! For me, these things sing of God's praises. They are the living testimonies of His marvellous glory, of His love and unsurpassing goodness towards me.

God has so blessed me and continues to do so. He can so bless you too, if you would believe Him.

In Christ,
Beulah "FLOW"