The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes... And the glory of the Lord shall fill the whole earth! (John 3:8; Psalm 72:19)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


The Lord gave me a prophetic dream in the morning of 12th January 2009.

A baby goat was caught in the paws of a cheetah. The cheetah was licking deliciously at the baby goat, but the baby goat thought that the cheetah was giving affection and it adored the attention. Then the cheetah put his mouth to the baby goat's front right leg and broke it in one bite. The baby goat cried in terror and anguish but all too late. I was watching all these before my eyes and my heart broke with such sorrow. And then I woke up...

Here is the interpretation of the dream....

The baby goat represents the nation Singapore: unbelievers and lukewarm Christians who have stepped outside the sheepfold. The baby goat is already in the paws of the cheetah, ready to be eaten. Yet it still thought it was being loved by the cheetah and savoured in the 'affection' when the cheetah was already licking deliciously before eating it. This showed the lukewarm body in such a state of blindedness, delusion and deceived into oblivion.

The cheetah represents the evil spirit of lawlessness and bondage. It will come upon the nation so swiftly in stealth mode and capture the nation with its paws. Once it has broken the freedom, strength and stability of the nation (front right leg), the nation will be swallowed up.

The nation of Singapore is meant to be the Goshen in this region in these end-times. But the Body of Christ in Singapore must be unified in Spirit and in Truth in order to rise and stand in her spiritual strategic place as the Goshen of Asia. Captivity is coming as it already has to Europe and America. When the world's economy finally crumbles to ash in the coming months, "Egypt" (one world order) will begin to surface, at first presenting itself as "affection" before its true terror shows up. Goshen must rise or she will be eaten up like the baby goat.

This is a warning from the Lord. Church of Singapore -- wake up!! wake up!! If you do not wake up, arise and stand in your rightful place, the enemy will come and occupy it.

Let those who have an ear, hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying.

In Christ,
Beulah "FLOW"

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